Saturday, June 23, 2007

grass is always greener and the sky is blue..ok sometimes gray

Today I have had to reach really deep...and not do the feel sorry for myself....oh...why me...routine...just when things were going so well.....but my tarot cards said this would be an awesome year....ETC...etc...
so how do I make myself feel better? I think of all of the things that could be worse...a sick child..a son in a war zone....being alone....
OK so now I feel REALLY bad...and now guilty for even thinking I have a bad situation....
Do over....I can handle this. It is not so bad. Just an inconvenience.
Cleaning my room and reorganizing made me feel so much better! I also made a couple of great contacts at my open house today.....and I am NOT going to let them get away...I will help them find the home of their dreams.
Thank you sooooo much for all of your support...those that are "blog phobic" and send me emails and phone those of you that are brave and just "go ahead and post"...
It is kind of weird...but today my breast has been throbbing...and throbbing...time to let it go.


Heidi Dobrott said...

Wow Schreiner... I have been out of communication for th past few days... my computer crashed and has been in the shop. Have just finished reading through all of the comments on your custom blog. And yep, you really are a lucky girl with great friends who will be with you the whole step of the way. This is just one of life's little speed bumps, and I know that you have had your fair share, but you will come out on the other side wiser, stronger and more beautiful than you already are... with better boobs. If that was possible.

If you need anything, I am just a phone call or email and 30 minutes away. Please don't hesitate to call on me.

xo, h

Claudia C said...

Thanks for letting me in on the blog. Sonny did a great job as usual. Writing about it really can help with the anxiety. I am right around the corner when you need something. Please don't forget that. And, I do know which house you are going to sell!!!
Claudia C.