Sunday, September 9, 2007

what a weekend

Today I found out that my blood tests from yesterday were in the critical level. I was so bummed! We expect low blood levels in all areas, but when they get too low, I become very suseptible to infections, which means,,,back in the hospital! My doctor put me on anitbiotics, and said I could stay at home, at least for now. I have to take my temp. to keep an eye out for infections, and if I get a temp, then off to the ER! So far my temp. is between 95 and 97. A little on the low side, but better than high. So I am in quarantine in my home for the next few days.

Thank you to Kathy for the homecooked meal tonight. More thanks go to the "mystery" Mom who stopped by with Subway on Thursday. Please let me know who you were so I can thank you in person. Maryavis stopped by with supplies from Costco, including a case of Smart water!
I am convinced that all of this Smart Water and my nutritionist products are helping me with my low blood pressure situation.

I made it to the MVHS football game for the first half. I enjoyed watching the game, and seeing the Song Girls! I didn't make it around to say hi to all of my Mission friends but I was a little concerned about germs. I love going to the football games and hope to be there this Friday, if I am able to be out of isolation. I want to be normal again! This whole chemo thing is getting really boring.

Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ahh Im sick now, but not like that. Temp is 95 coughing bad!