Saturday, September 20, 2008

Football days!

I was glued to my computer yesterday, listening to the Harvard vs. Holy Cross football game. Sonny had a large fan base attending, which was awesome! His Dad and Uncle Mike were there, as well as former high school parents, the Tomans and Herren's and Joey. Also, my sorority sister, Darrell's daughter, Gibson and some friends came down from HC to watch the game.
The game was soooooooo exciting, and Harvard pulled it off by scoring 19 pts. in the 4th quarter to win 25-24. Sonny contributed a ton, and had a great time!
The next two weekends are away games, and I think on TV, (satelite, so I'll have to be one of the few fans in a sports bar at 9 am!
I'm sitting here now watching my Bruins vs. Arizona. Come on Bruins! I love Saturdays in the fall!

1 comment:

Pam Richman said...

Nancy, I just caught up on all your wonderful blogs. You are truly the same tenacious girl I grew up knowing. I admire all your strength, and your devotion to your kids....and FOOTBALL! Max just started playing tackle this year and his team is 3 - 0 and in lst place! I hope we can connect in person in the not too distant future. You are...THE BOMB!