Sunday, October 28, 2007

Baring the bald ........

Well, I somehow came up with the courage to bare my bald head. I am wearing a little smirk because, I know that my hair will now start growing back, and how I miss it!

It better not come back totally gray!
Love, Nancy

Friday, October 26, 2007

Isolation again, but for the last time!

I almost didn't even post this latest blood count ( WBC is .8, neutrophils 200). I really have to be extra careful. I am extremly vulnerable right now. These counts are way below even my lowest of lows. However, this is the last time that I will have to deal with this. Yeah!!!
I'm back on antibiotics for a week, and off produce, etc.
I can only hope that my blood clot leaves, at the same time my blood counts rebound!
I can't even describe how ready I am to begin my life again!
Thank you to MaryVictoria, and the Clellands for dinner this week.
Nancy McCracken

The fire

Wendy Klapp sent me this photo of the fires raging behind Lake Mission Viejo. Believe me, it was an incredible few days. We still have this fire buring in the hills, but it looks like they are battling it back. This morning I actually saw some blue sky, to the south of us. Haven't seen that since last weekend. I feel much more optimistic!

Thursday, October 25, 2007


This is Sonny in action! Notice his left arm, with MOM on the wrist! I asked him if anyone gave him a hard time about it,,he said, "I dare them!". But, his teammates are terrific.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Fires and smoke

We heard last night that the fires were moving in our direction. Colin went down the hill and spoke with the firefighters/sheriff's who were blocking the road to the canyon. We could actually see the fires from our home. Scary!
Colin in his "want to be a firefighter mode" decided it was best to be prepared, just in case. He made lists for each of us to be responsible for, in case of evacuation.
Having only one good arm, I was responsible for my purse, and my laptop.
Colin was in charge of the dogs, bird, firebox of documents, photos, video's, surfboards, snowboard, his laptop, and some clothes.
Mairin was assigned her laptop, and Jackie Chan-- the Siamese Fighting Fish, in a glass bowl, no less.
Colin explained Mairin's short list, with the typical older brother explanation, that she would be so riled up, that she wouldn't be of much use.
Although today was a little anxious, I was still able to take my nap!
School is cancelled for tomorrow.
I am thankful that our home is OK, as is our neighborhood. Thank you for all of the calls and emails, I think everyone now knows where Trabuco Canyon is!
Thanks for checking in on us,
PS, for those of you following Sonny's football season, they won against Princeton last weekend. He played great and really enjoyed being back on the field, after 3 weeks off. The bad news is that he now has a sports hernia, and will require surgery after the season. He is still planning to play through the remainder of the season.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Clot update and fires nearby

Hi there. I had a new ultrasound today to track the "clot". It is a little larger, and further up my arm. She asked me if I was using it "normally". I said no, it hurt to move it. She gave me a prescription for a pain reliever/ mild blood thinner. She wants me to try and start using it to stop the clot from getting larger. Will do!
She also said that it may take a couple of months for this clot to go away. It is a slow process. While I was waiting for my ultrasound, I ran into my surgeon, Dr.Rand-Luby. We talked about my clot, and she felt it was def. related to my last chemo. and that I should try and move it more. She gave me some mental relief.
Many of you have asked about where the fires are in relation to our home. We are OK. I can actually look at the mountains, and see blue sky above us. However, Trabuco Canyon, down in the actual canyon, has been evacuated. It is a very hard place to get to, and only one way out. Many horse trailers and vehicles are lined up on our main street coming up to my house. Kind of spooky. A colleague from work, also runs an animal rescue in Modjeska Canyoon, which has been hit pretty hard with fires. He evacuated with all the animals, but I haven't heard about his home yet. I wish I could have helped him and his animals.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Harvard vs. Princeton game

Hi friends,
Sonny's game is on Direct TV, channell 623 Saturday, 9:30 west coast time. He is #49. He won't be starting, but they are working him back into the lineup after being out with injuries the last 3 games. He is eager!
Nothing new to report on me.
Thanks for your newsy emails,,,they really help pass the time.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Scary Day

Hi friends,
The last couple of days I felt increasing pain in my left arm. I just thought it was a result of the chemo, and the multiple blood tests last week. It really started to bother me last night so I called the doctor and went in today. After spending all day at the doctor, and then the hospital, it turns out I have a small blood clot on the inside elbow of my arm. I was really scared and cried like a baby. The good news is that I got to come home, and we are just going to monitor the "clot". ( I have to digress here, how descriptive is the word "clot" anyway? It sounds exactly like what it is....gross.!) I am applying a warm pack, and am heading off to bed soon, I am worn out.
Such a roller-coaster ride that I am on! And for those of you that know me well, I hate roller-coasters!
Good night, (I will have to catch Dancing with the Stars on tape tomorrow!)

Saturday, October 13, 2007


Yesterday was my last chemo. There was a very good chance that I wasn't going to have it, because my counts were so low on Thursday. I had to go retake it on Friday morning, then wait around for the results. There were some problems with the equipment, and we waited from 10 until 2 for the results. It was a go, so I got hooked up at 2 and we left at 4:30. Thank God I had my mother-in-law Micheline with me, because we chat so much that the time really flew by.
Thursday night I had a scare, Colin texted me from his room at 3 am and said he thought he had strep throat! I was quaking in my sheets! NO, NO, you can't get strep! I texted him back to tell him where the medicine was, and how much to take and I would set up a doctor appmt. for him in the morning. Needless to say I was worried about him, and me! I left for my doctor, and left him at home to go to the doctor. His Dad was meeting him there. No strep, but some sort of virus.
Colin and Mairin both had Homecoming tonight. When I download the pics I will post them.
Colin made it for pics and dinner, then had to go home and crash out.
I had great meals this week from Beth, and MaryAvis. Such a welcome for me and especially my kids. I also received a beautiful plant from Leslie, Heidi and Bec, in celebration of my last chemo. I am very thankful that this is my last chemo, but I don't feel too celebratory yet. It seems like each round left me a little more worn out than the last. Soon though, soon!
Sonny update, Harvard played Lafeyette today. It was a good game. Sonny was not cleared again because of his lingering shoulder injury. But he let his coach know he was not too happy about it. Next weekend is the Princeton game, and Sonny will have lots of family and friends in the stands, he vows he will play! They ended up winning today, in a very good game.
It was also a lot of fun to watch Mark pull in a victory for USC today! I could hear the Sanchez family shouting all the way to my house!
Last night I went to bed at 7 pm and woke at 8 am. Anyone ever done that? Wow. The dogs even cooperated, and held it. Now it is getting to be 9 pm...past my bedtime. I could get used to this.
Thanks for checking in on me.

Friday, October 5, 2007

It's a Chilli night out!

Today the weather was overcast with a chance of rain. Perfect for Chilli! I had the ingredients, and threw it together. Colin was at the beach today, so it was a perfect meal to warm him up.
Mairin and I ate some too. We have leftovers for football Saturday.
I had my blood tests today. My lowest of low. I expect it. I keep reminding myself that it is a good sign that my chemo is also attacking the stray cancer cells. If it wipes out the good, strong cells, then those weak, mutant cancer cells don't stand a chance!
I have an action planned Saturday. Beginning with the Harvard vs. Cornell game, on a live webstreaming from Cornell, at 10. Sonny travelled with the team, but has not been cleared to play. His shoulder needs another week. He is bummed, but vows to be a great motivator on the sidelines. His team is suffering from numerous injuries right now. This is a big game for them.
Then at 4, USC, and hoping to see Mark Sanchez shine! Then my alma mater, UCLA and the Moline bros. at 5. And last but not least, the Mission Viejo HS vs. DeLaSalle on FoxSports at 8.
I'm a happy camper!
Thanks for checking in on me.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

One more chemo to go!

I had my doctor's appmt. on Mon. She consulted with her colleague, and they both agreed that there would not be enough of a benefit, vs. possible long term side effects, to recommend that I do Taxol. Yeah, no Taxol. This means that I will be done after Oct. 12! The homestretch. I wish that I had 3 doctors that all agreed that I should not have this next round, but I guess I will have to go with the 2/3.
I asked her about going to the DeLaSalle football game at Mission this Sat., and she basically said, "are you nuts?", with your blood counts? And only one more chemo to go? Risk getting sick, for football? OK, she is not a big fan of football, but I conceded. Plus, the game will be packed, and it is on TV after all.
My mother-in-law sent me the most gorgeous slinky long wrap yesterday! It is green, with flowers on it. I am def. not doing it justice in my description. I couldn't wait to wear it! Got up and dressed, put make-up on, donned the wig, and hit the office. I could have sold 10 of them if I had them! I felt pretty! Thanks Micheline!
Thanks for checking in on me,