Friday, January 4, 2008

Happy New Year

I hope you all had a safe and happy New Year! I spent the eve watching Mairin's dance company perform at the RSM city hall.
Got Sonny on a plane back to Boston on the 2nd, from LAX was supposed to leave at 10 pm but the plane sat on the tarmac until 12:30am. He arrived at Harvard at 10 am, just as practice was starting. The temp. was -10 degrees! A little shocking from the gorgeous weather here in "the OC".
I have thought about putting this blog to rest at the end of 07, but I have had so many friends, especially those of you from out of town request that I keep it up. I will focus on our busy lives, and include pictures from time to time. My recovery from cancer is continuing with medication, and I still have surgery in my future, to finish the reconstruction. However, like the Kaiser commercial says, I may have had cancer, but it didn't have me! I feel a desire to help other women going through this, but more on an individual basis instead of the organized group settings. On a positive note, my hair is now about 1/2 long! I also had to start shaving my legs again, which I really did not miss in the least!
After missing Colin's entire lacrosse summer season, I am really excited to watch some club lacrosse, and also the start of the MVHS lax team next month. I will be attending some basketball games to watch Mairin and the song girls cheer!
As far as work, I am now pulling full days on the job. My energy level has returned, and I am really excited about buying and selling real estate. Do you know anyone that needs my services? I have a website for work,,check it out:
Please, stay in touch with me! You all have meant so much to me and my family. We want to hear what is going on in your life too.

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