Sunday, January 13, 2008

How foolish do I feel?

How was your New Years?
I spent mine watching Mairin's dance production at city hall. Some of you already know that from this blog. What I didn't tell you was the rest of the evening. I came home and got dressed up, including my brand new Jimmie Chou"s stilettos with 4 inch heals. I got to the party and felt like I was back in college. The music was pounding and I was really cutting up the dance floor. Then my Jimmie Chou caught in the hem of another , someone, not really sure, and down I went crashing into the table with arm, jaw and leg. Embarrassed, I jumped up and said I was fine. I pulled down my dress, picked up my broken shoe and limped away. Well that makes a good story anyway.
Truth be told, I was in my sweats watching Ryan Seacrest's Rockin Eve with Mairin. I stood up
and stepped on Bentley (small dog), then shifted and caught myself before stepping on Thatcher (medium dog) and then crashed into the wrought iron coffee table. It is now 2 weeks later and I finally decided to have an xray on my arm because it was just not getting any better and I got worried since it was my arm that still had the blood clot. Looks like a hairline fracture. Got a soft cast, until I get to the orthopedic. At least I know why it was still causing so much pain.
NEXT YEAR ......I am going to be at a party wearing Jimmie Chou's!!!!!!!!

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