Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Annual Theta Retreat

One year ago today, I was in Palm Springs with my annual KAO Sorority retreat. And here it was again! The years seems to fly by,,,and I am always amazed that we are yet another year older! So many of my "sisters" still look like they did in college,,,and have just as much energy as they did then.

This past weekend was such a reflective weekend for me. I had so many questions thrown at me regarding my experience with cancer over this past year. My message was basically follow your intuition, ask a ton of questions. and don't let cancer become part of you. My motto is "deal with it and be done with it".

I have also learned that so many people are dealing with their own "cancer", either physically or psychologically.

When we get together, we draw on each other's strengths. We play cards, eat great food, sleep little, and talk, talk and then talk some more.

We all agree that we are so fortunate to have each other in our lives. We knew each other when we were carefree (somewhat) college students, and now we are all adjusting to our kids heading off to college, dealing with job changes, and are SO gratefull to get together and reminisce about our days in college and laugh about those times.

Hey Thetas....send some pictures.

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