Wednesday, May 21, 2008

update on swallow(s)

Well, I just re-read my blog. It was Sunday that we had to deal with the little baby swallow, who had fallen out of the "mess nest" in the eves of my roof. My sister assured me that if we didn't put it back right away, we were basically giving it a death sentence. OK,,that was what the swallow organizations, and bird books say too...but we really didn't have a choice. Well, if anyone is interested, another little guy decided to try his wings,,,and faltered.. He joined swallow #1 , in the temporary nesting box that we had set up. Then yesterday the weather went from 100 to 60 in the course of 24 hours. I found an old heating pad, wrapped it up in one of Sonny's old t-shirts, placed it under the "nesting box" and ran the extension cord. I must say, they seem really content. The parents swoop down and feed them and the remaining chics seem to teeter precariously out the edge of their "mess nest" with envy at their siblings enjoying the clean cedar, and heating pad.
Colin and Mairin are having a contest to decide what to name them. So far their favorites are Hansel and Gretel, and Jack and Jill.
No one asked me my opinion.
Enjoying life and the birds,
you should too,

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