Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Glowing....or radioactive

Today marked the last screening treatment that I have to go through. Yeah! This was a PET scan...they inject radioactive material as well as glucose...then I get scanned.
The purpose in to monitor the glucose activitiy in the cells.
Cells that use a lot of glucose...are multiplying quickly....hence more likely to be cancer. Very interesting. A side effect is being radioactive for 24 hours. Can't be around people or food. No carpooling today...or cooking. Life is good.

I'm instructed to drink plenty of fluids...and to flush twice after voiding! Fun times. I am looking forward to having a week of normalcy. And time to celebrate the 4th of July!



Kimberly said...

Hi Nancy ~

It's nice that you have this blog to log your experiences and receive support and so you don't have to repeat everything... Thank you for educating the rest of us, too... None of us knows when it might be our time to deal with all that's involved with breast cancer... They didn't get a clear reading on my mammogram last week, so I have to go for further evaluation and an ultra sound. They don't have an available appointment for two weeks. It's an anxious time having to wait and wonder, but if the news isn't good, you're paving the way for the rest of us on how to deal with it... Thank you for sharing with such strength and openness... Every best wish to you!

~ Kim

Alyson Breathed said...

Hey Nanc - Maggie's doc said she has "the densest breast tissue I've ever seen"... .that was it, til I read your blog. Given that my mom's had BC twice we will really be watching her with digital mammos.

Please tell Sonny that Hatty/Caity and I send our love on his birthday. Have a GREAT weekend. A