Thursday, June 21, 2007

new day, new hair

Well today brought the great news that my bone scan was clear! Yeah!

The only glitch in my day was when my doctor ordered another test a PAT scan....because there were some areas of concern on my CAT scan. I explained that I had pnemonia 3 times in 2 years etc....and that may in fact be their concern. I really wish that this scan part was done...but I am so full of positive energy that I know this will be OK.

And today...I had my haircut....I really wanted it really short...but dear Shannon said it was not we just ...well check it out...let me know what you think..


erin fitz said...

love the hair, schreiner! very good idea - always thinkin', my friend.
but even better - the bone scan! hurray for every little bit of good news!
i have a good quote for the moment:
"women are like tea bags... you never know how strong they are until they're in hot water."
eleanor roosevelt
ha! love it!
and i'm sending the good vibes.

xoxoxo fitz

Rebecca Rader said...

Nan, I LOVE THE NEW DO! It is you. I'm sending you good thoughts today. I loved Erin's quote.


An Old Tea Bag. . . Bec

Sheri R. said...

Nancy, I am so proud of you, the way you have taken charge and decided to handle the situation...Here is my quote of the day..."What would Nancy McCracken do?" Thanks for your help this morning - it means the world to me. Hang tough my friend and I am here for you! We all are!!! Tell Sonny he is awesome for taking charge and setting up this blog for you and US.

Sheri R. said...

Oh forgot ... LUV the hair do!

Meg said...


You look awesome! I like the blog, it is an easy way to stay in touch and up to date. Thanks Sonny!

I will see Mary Jo and Julie tonight, so I will be sure to fill them in and introduce them to your blog.

Erin-great quote.

Stay strong !


Jordan said...

Your new 'do is very cute and young looking. Then again, you have always had good hair and I can't remember your hair ever not looking good! This blog business is quite handy and I love being able to check in with you. Great news about the bone scan! Bye for now, Jordan

tiffany burgher said...

The hair is darling and great news on your test today! I forwarded your info to Maria at Kelly's. I always send your photos as ahe loves to hear about ya'll.

Keep up the positive thoughts!
Love, Tiff