Sunday, July 8, 2007

Baby Steps

Hey everyone,
My mom has been pestering me to keep up with the blog, and unfortunately the hospital doesn't have wireless so my updates haven't been quite as consistent as we would like...
Mom is doing well though. Although she was not able to leave the hospital today as originally planned (pre-op) due to a recurring fever, she is feeling increasingly better with each passing moment. She got up today a couple times to take some leisurely strolls around the hospital and give her a minute to clear her lungs (as the doctors are worried she might get pneumonia again if she stays horizontal). The first couple times she stood up took a lot out of her and left her in pain and completely exhausted. However, I'm sure all of you know my Mom and how persistent she is, she continued to get up and push her limits and the pain began to fade away ever so slightly. This left us all extremely encouraged and looking forward to the brighter days forthcoming. Karrie and Momma's little assistant (Mairin) have been extremely helpful and seem to never leave her side. Grampa Urb (Nancy's Dad) is also there at all times to provide a little quick wit and company.
As far as visiting goes, Mom isn't quite in the condition to have visitors just yet. Because she is likely staying for a few more days, it might be possible to visit in the coming days. Just give me a call at 949 254 1754 and check with me before you make any plans just so I can run it by her and make sure she isn't sleeping or something.
Until Next Time,
Sonny and co.

PS- One additional perk to having an extended stay in the hospital is that it gives me a chance to break my own record. All the toilets are fitted with built in measuring cups to monitor patients' urine "output." So of course, I have to test myself, and because I am a competitive person, re-test myself. I have pushed my limits to 22-oz's in one sitting, err standing and therefore challenge anyone who visits to de-throne me (pun intended. gosh I'm funny...)


darrell said...

Dear nancy, I'm so glad your surgery went well. I'm sorry about your fever, i know your determination will beat it and you can recover in the comforts of your home with your family, your dogs, and your own bed! I know how much you love all three. My thoughts and prayers are still with you and your family.
ps: Thanks sonny for the updates and the hospital tidbits! It's obvious your's, colin's, and marin's love, smiles and support for your mom gives her the strength to conquer all.

Renee said...

Hi Nancy, I want to let you know that you are in our prayers. As you recover, I know you will have the strength for each new day - remember, one day at a time !

Cherie Harris said...

I will be there on TH morning. Details to follow. I can't wait to read you Janet Evanovich's new book!

Kimberly said...

Thanks again for the update, Sonny... So glad your mom has all of you there... Sure hope her fever subsides soon so she can get back to the comforts of home...

Good luck with your contest! :-)

Sheri R. said...

Hi Nancy,
Just got back into town and checked the blog. Glad to hear you were up and around. We are all here for you. Your son has a great sense of humor and if I hadn't already birthed 3 children I think I would come to compete with him at the hospital. Soon you will be home taking it easy at home. We will totally handle the dinner gig - just give us the word. Love and hugs and prayers for a speedy recovery! Love, Sheri

Heidi Dobrott said...

I defintley think that Sonny has a future as a writer... there are a couple of big boys in this house that just might be up for that Challenge of the Ounces.

I remember being in the hospital a few years ago and getting up the first few times was awful. But it's true, the more you force yourself to do it the better it gets... gotta keep moving! I know that won't be problem for you.

You'll be home with your therapy dogs in no time.
Still sending positive vibes. xo, h

Alyson Breathed said...

Nanc & Sonny - it's clear how much your (mom's)friends appreciate your efforts to keep us up on the latest. Thanks for doing this. We all send our strength and affection from Oregon. xxoo A

Alyson Breathed said...

Sonny, please tell your mom that we are sending her our strength and love. xxoo A

tiffany burgher said...


All the Burghers were excited to hear your good news concerning your surgery! We are praying for and pulling for the speediest of recoveries, and the clearest of future scans!! It strengthens everyone to see the love and respect that has come shining through between you and your kids during this time of crisis, but then again, IT'S BEEN THERE ALL ALONG!!




Lynn Nebergall said...

Hi Nancy,
I have been out of town for the last two weeks and just checked your blog. Lots has happened since I left! So glad to hear your surgery was successful and that the cancer was contained! Wonderful news! So glad you have the support of family and friends in California to help with your recovery. Wish I was closer so I could help as well. Please know I continue to keep you in my daily thoughts and prayers. Sending love and hugs your way.....