Sunday, August 26, 2007

Hair today, gone tomorrow!

Well my hair has been falling out over the last two days. Yesterday I gave Mairin the OK to cut it to 1/2 inch all over. We had fun. Tomorrow Shannon will take off the last of it. I was surfing the web and googled "softhats" and found They have so many cute hats that are made for chemo patients! If you know anyone going through chemo, check out this site. I even got a 'sleep hat".
Here is my list of reasons it's good to be bald!
Get to wear pretty scarves and hats.
Get to wear a wig!
With a bare head, your head stays cool in hot weather.
Can be an official member of the Britney Spears fan club, for life!
You can actually see what the shape of your head is.
Don't have to worry about your roots or grey hair showing.
Save money on haircuts, styling, and products!
Save time by not having to do your hair!
No bed head!

Feel free to add to this list if you can think of any other reasons, to support Bald is Beautiful!

Although, Mairin did a fantastic job cutting my hair, I don't think I will post a photo on my blog.
Thanks for checking on me.

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