Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Reality check

Today I had my appointment with my Physician's Assistant, prior to my next chemo. currently scheduled for Thursday. I went in armed with a ton of questions, especially related to my recent stay in the hospital, and my related side effects. Basically, she told me in a nice way, that let's not lose sight of the purpose of my treatments. To eliminate any straggling cancer cells, and to protect my overall health. If I have to boost my white blood cells again with neupogen, and it gives me bone pain, we will deal with the bone pain. Not take a chance with any possible infections etc. It was kind of what I needed I guess. Sonny said it is sort of like listening to a coach, and in training. That is a good way of looking at it. I have to stay focused. Of course, I told her that it would have helped if there was someone who I could have talked to while all of this was going on. I felt like I had an ER doctor, an internist, etc,etc, but no one spoke to an oncologist. I now have her business card.
Also picked up my wig today. It feels really weird. I can't see me wearing it except for really important work related issues. I am looking forward to getting my new hats.
Thank you Clelland's and Olney's for the great meals! Delicious!
I can't believe that school will be starting next week. Schedules!
Thanks for checking on me.
Love, Nancy

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